8 Way To Earn Money Online - How To Earn Money Online At Home
Hey guys what's up this is Jatin , Recently I saw this very
interesting comment thread on my channel where a bunch of my very young viewers
were asking me for part-time job opportunities career options and things like
that so today I thought why not let's do a video on this topic,
- Freelancing
- Starting your own website
- Affiliate marketing
- Surveys, searches and reviews
- Virtual assistantship
- Language translating
- Online tutoring
- Social media management, strategy
Because I personally
have started working when I was still in high school and see education is
important I'm not saying that education is not important but you know things
about managing your finances self-discipline hard work these are some life
experiences that can only be learnt when you're actually working and it's better
to start early in life now this video is not just for teenagers if you're a
grown-up woman or man and looking for a side job or a full-time job you can
actually look at these various options and see what fits you best what fits you
a skill set the best I'm just here to give you ideas guys you just keep watching
this video to find out[Music]now obviously as a blogger the first thing I can
talk about is blogging whether you like being on camera making videos or
traveling taking selfies you can do so many things guys you can start your own
Earn Money From Social Media
You can have a YouTube channel taka-tak page you can have Instagram profiles there's
so many options guys the limit the only problem with blogging which is there
are a couple of problems it takes time to enter the space enter this industry
it takes a lot of time a lot of effort and of course there will be haters you
know like I know by the end of this video I would have shared so many important
information so many important things but there still be something haters will
be talking about my dress and how I'm looking and things like that and saying mean
things and at times it can get to you because ultimately we all are humans so
haters are definitely their number two very importantly it's not exactly
apart-time job like you can start part-time but if you really want to earn money
you have to get really into it so you can either hire a team get a bunch of
people to work for you but it is alot of effort so it's not something which you
can do on the side for a very long time because after a while you have to
explore to explore other options and other things but it's definitely something
that you can explore if you do like you know doing the creative stuff now
Mischa something that I have talked about before and let me quickly actually show
the screenshot to you millions of people are using me show guys and it has a
very very high rating you can actually check the link in the description box below
see it for yourself this is an actual screen show that I'm sharing with you
okay it has a very high rating so basically the fact remains that millions of
people are using this app to run their own business and zero investment and
people are making good money make of all the options that I'm sharing today me
show is the only option which can make you go to money twenty thirty thousand
rupees a month very easily right from the beginning you don't have to wait for
too long you don't have to struggle too hard.
Setup Your Goals
You just have to get on the app
and start working it's very very good I mean I think these guys have done a
brilliant job you know especially for a country like India where there's so
many people who want to work who have really good um selling skills okay for their for those people miss
you is absolutely amazed and so I'll tell you how it works okay I'll just give
you a gist if you want to know more just go download the app explore it for
five ten minutes you understand it completely so what happens are you install
the app and once you're on the app just look at the product catalogs now when
you see a product catalog which you really really like just share the product
catalog with the people that you know alright now one thing I want to mention
here is that when you share the product catalog the name me show does not come
anywhere these guys have designed it really well the name Nisha will not appear
anywhere nobody will know that you're actually doing this to me show and the
best thing is that people will have to ask you what is the price so when
somebody is asking you for the price just go to the me show app and see what
the price has been mentioned over here so this is the me shows price do this
you can add your own profit margin 1500 rupees whatever you want to add and
give the final price to your prospective buyer if the buyer likes the product
at the price that you have mentioned they will say okay I will buy it so just
take the address down copy paste the address on the app and that's all guys
that's all you have to do me should we take care okay you will take care of
everything they will take care of the selling part so they will procure the
products they will send the product they will collect the money if it's a
cash-on-delivery option everything is taken care of return changes everything
is taken care of and in ten days you get your money so the take 10 days.
Best Simple Way To Earn
you know somebody returns some product obviously there'll be too much of hassle
and everything so they take a 10 days when done in 10 days you get your money
so it is so simple because you know on days II don't want to work on days you
can't work suppose your new mom your baby wants to bonds to be fed you can
totally attend to your baby and then get back to your work whenever you want to
you want a few days break because it's a wedding in the family you don't have
to work for those few days you have exams coming up you don't have to work
during that time you can just work for 15-20 minutes one or every day and
that's all guys people are actually making that kind of micro me show I think
it's an absolutely amazing platform it has no downside because it's completely
your thing and you can actually sell without investing any money it's so great
it's a phenomenal concept so just check the link in the description box below.
I've just shared the basic gist of how it works with you all the basic ideas
just see the product catalog shared with people tell them the price take the address
and that's it that's all you have to do now content madam is against something which
I have done before and this was long back when I was still a teenager you know
it was another side job server had done that time so content writing is basically
what you know you find clients on then you have to list yourself online a work
for somebody who is a Content writer and basically they will give you a topic
on that topic you have to write an article so you know how to do some research
and everything but it was so much fun if you like writing that is if you're
good at creative writing this is a really good option the best thing is that
you know you get to learn so many things in the process you get to explore so
many different things and once you've actually entered the industry you can
really grow you can become a Content writer hire people if you are really good
with editing and working on these things and all of that you can also start
online book publishing the only problem is that you know it's a tough industry
to get into again because you have to you know get into the practice and
understand how brands and clients want to work online with content writers and
even more importantly guys.
Needs of life
I think the industry has slowed down a little bit in
the past few years because there's so much of competition having said that if
you are good with your writing skills if you are good with your language skills
especially for English and also for Hindi and some of the other really popular
regional languages content writing is still a pretty good business idea still a
pretty good outside part-time job opportunity[Music]now to be a voice-over artist
you just need to have really good speaking skills obviously you need to be able
to speak with a lot of expressions and very importantly you need to know at
least a few languages so that you have various options so to be a voice artists
all you need to do guys is that you know you need to list yourself online so
that people can actually approach you when they're looking for a voice artist
and once you have a few recurring clients a few long-term clients that's a very
good business option best thing again is that you can work from home you can
work online and you can work at your own sweet time depending on your own schedules
which is so great and I think our voice artists can have so much of fun you
know you can dub videos you can make e-books you can dub so many other things
you can do voice over work there are many things.
I was watching this blog about
a girl who was working for the cartoon film industry and she does our voice
over for different cartoon characters and that's who's your fault right so yeah
there are various options or you just need a certain set of skills and if you
think it works for you then definitely give it a try guys is absolutely
amazing[Music]and last but not the least and definitely the highest paying
courier opportunity I can suggest today is online consulting all in consultants
can earn anything between five thousand rupees an hour to 50,000 rupees an hour
I know people who are actually making that kind of money it's absolutely amazing
the only thing with consulting is that this is not particularly for teenagers
which is why I'm talking about this in the end it's more for people who have
some prior experience so obviously somebody's willing to be get that kind of
money you need to have a very good knowledge about the market about your subjects
about the things that you're talking about and you need to have some experience
you know apart from knowledge you also need to have experience so the thing
with consultant consultancy is that you know it's something where you sit down
with a client and you tell them you share your expert knowledge on the subject
and for most part of it again there is something which you can do online
sometimes you might have to travel but the money is absolutely incredible and
if you're somebody is a lot of experience suppose you were a part of you are
working in the banking industry for 10 years 15 years suppose and now you have
a baby or now you have other commitments family commitments whatever and you
can't do that work so you can obviously put your knowledge to some good use
It's so amazing there's also the job of an image consultant where you
actually get in touch with these high-profile clients and you tell them how to
give them a makeover you teach them some manners table manners like things like
that non manners the exact table manners and how to conduct themselves how to carry
themselves stuff like that sometimes you might even want to go shopping with
the clients it's a lot of fun depending on whatever area of expertise is so for
somewhere to be an image consultant you can be a fashion designer makeup artist
these are the things that you need to know but there are lots and lots of
options again it comes to consulting and you can definitely explore various
options you can just go online check what works for your skill set and yeah go
on with it so guys these are some career opportunities some part-time work
options of full-timework options some mixed options that I wanted to share with
you all today and yeah again like I just said throughout the league it
completely depends on your skill set also and um guys I just want to say this
too especially my young viewers who have never worked before guys walking is a
huge commitment it's not like missing your homework or missing your class for a
day when you are working for some body it's your boss or whether she get sucked
lined in your own business or discipline and hard work are the key to success
you know you have to be disciplined you have to work you have to do this I'll
tell you very honestly she just had like one week left for my marriage but I
was actually working from home so my mom my aunt all of them were actually
going out shopping getting me getting my stuff and they were likeshe who don't
you want to come with us do what you want to go out and actually see what we
are buying it's you're getting married but I'm like I have to finish this because
my viewers are waiting for this log and this is just something that you have to
do and I'll tell you not a lot of blockers will talk about it but every single
blogger that I know personally who has actually got her who has made a mark for
herself or himself in the industry they work the same way I'm not just the only
one so it's not just a blogging industry any industry except for one out of
options like me so for instance Misha is very flexible very very very flexible
you can work any time you want except for a few options here and there in
general when you are working you need to be committed and hard work and
discipline there is no substitute for that in general just saying okay so guys
that's on a watershed in today's video and I thank you so much for watching
guys that's so that's all I want to share in today's blog thank you so much for
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