How to make money online with blogging in India 2020

Is it actually possible to make money online with blogging in India.
Hey Guys I am Jitin Kamboj from Tech Support Jatin.

                       let's take a look you know back in those days some10 years back when he actually started blogging a lot of people said that you can make you know $5,000 per month on blogging $10,000 per month on blogging and these are all guys in America right, So I would look at them and I say I got excited because this was crazy amount of money with today's rate it's about seven point five seven point six lakh rupees per month that was my handle package right at that time I was so excited but at the same time in the back of my mind I was so skeptical on it. Because I knew that this is not going to happen it might happen for those in the US but in India, it's just not possible to get $10,000 well it's that kind of money and forget about blogging but here's another stuff right well boy I was wrong in our 10 plus years it's been that I started blogging and today and I'm making about five figures in dollars every month just through plumb it's just crazy but let me tell you some of the things that normally people don't talk about it blogging usually when people say what make money online through blogging and everything it's all about all the roses read it where you know you can lead a luxurious lifestyle you can be your own boss you can sit at your own home you don't have to report you don't have month-end problems and things like that start blogging on the side with your nine-to-five job there are certain things that you need to know that people don't talk about let's talk about that al rights number one blogging takes a hell lot of time right it takes about at least 3 to 4 years for you to get a grip and to understand what this whole thing is all about forget money maybe just to understand what is blogging just to understand how you should write what you should write who are the other people doing it and just to get noticed in the industry it takes about 2 to 3 years minimum okay and from there it takes a little bit more time for you to actually start making money but I say making money you know you can start making peanuts like some sense or few  pieces or few you know 100 rupees 200rupees that kind of level of money-making is not to quite like why you need that kind of money I mean making serious money like at least$1,000 per month that is see this money that is something you can rely on that is when you can think okay this is an actual career option and you can start blogging on the side you can dedicate time for it and expect a return from it otherwise it's just waste just get it cents or and a few pesos is just waste so it takes a lot of time for you to get established industry and it takes a lot of time for you to actually start making serious amount of money through blogging and the time is non-negotiable I mean you cannot speed it up the one mistake a lot of people including me makes is that when you start blogging you think that it's going to be an overnight success you know after one month or so you will start immediately making money no it's not going to happen so please get that out of the way and typically when people ask you to get started with blogging and when they promise you that you can make money online they don't tell you this fact that it takes a lot of time because you know it's a boring thing to say right number two you need to be an expert in whatever it is that you're doing you cannot start blogging just for the sake of it by picking something which is popular and random and start making money you might make money for a little bit time but then it will die out the problem for example is if you let's say pick up something like Bitcoin which is a very popular or you know it's a buzz word a lot of people are talking about it I've been told that there are advertisers we need to pay money to bloggers to write about Bitcoin products and all that you cannot just start writing about Bitcoin because it's a buzzword you need to be an expert in it you need to have some passion around it you need to dig deeper into it you need to bring in size that other people not bring about through your vlogs right so this takes time and unless you invest time in learning about it or unless you become an expert in this after a while you are going to be demotivated yourself because the first few years in blondie is a big struggle and nobody talks about that the first few years it's all about learning just finding out what it is how your technical issues and all these different things in that time if you see that there is no traffic coming in if you see that there is no money coming in you'll be like you know what am i what am doing why am I doing this and you will be motivated and specifically in India you know the pressure is huge right you cannot be just spending too much money on blogging without getting any returns back instead of that if we just do stock trading right why bother why spend this much time so that is something people don't talk about it takes a lot of time and you need to be an expert in whatever it is that you're providing which is why I tell people pick an age of the cat topic which is passionate or which is close to your heart and which you have a lot of insights to share on and which you really like you won't be bored of writing it for the longest time that's the best topic for you not something what is popular now the third thing is that India is a developing country there are a lot of opportunities that's coming up I am the last couple of years I've seen that there are more and more advertisers will need to pay bloggers which wasn't the case when I started when I started it was more of people from America products from America.
 So I had to cater to that audience but today there's more and more stuff coming up in India and I'm sure in the next four to five years this will just be you know taken over by all kinds of products today you can see you know YouTubers being paid for promotions and bloggers being asked to write about you know products apps and all these different things it's going to become a bigger and bigger it will become mainstream at some point so if you start now and invest your time for the next maybe two or three or four years it will be a good investment if you can become an incredible guy and can gather a lot of audience if you think that you can be an expert in something do it because next four to five years it's going to be huge right I'm a very good example for that because I have seen the lows of this industry I have seen in India where when I started there was nothing at all I do now where there is at least something to talk about so it's going to grow and if you can grind this whale this is the best time to do it so you know these are things people don't talk about when they say get started with Blogging you can make money online most of the time people talk from a very in American perspective in America it's a very established industry there are products there are people who are doing a lot of blogging people trust bloggers people read blogs media I think is happening post geo there's a lot of access gained for internet in rural India and other places so the internet usage has wound which is why Ronnie is going to take off it's already been taken off anything it's going to grow there now so if you start blogging in India right now this is the best time to do it and invest at least three four years into it only then you will be able to make the most of it you can make a little bit of money but starting off any it's not going to help at all you know unless you make at least $1,000 per month it's just you know it's it's bits so that is what I wanted to share with you guys bottom line is that you can make money online with blogging if you are a nine-to-five job goal if you know if you are sitting in a cubicle in some office space if you start a blog on the side and put some passion into it help it grow nurture it invest some time put in some quality can but time towards it will grow there's no way you can go you know behind unless you are not doing anything you know you just write one or two articles and just wait for the magic to happen won't happen but if you just like think of it as a plant that you're  know chilly and you have to water it you have to prune it you have to put in some fertilizers take care of it basically if you do the same thing with your blog in the next couple of years it's definitely going to grow and once it grows once you will have that kind of audience once you establish your authority in whatever niche or topic itis that you're writing there's no doubt that there will be people willing to pay you to write for their articles no advertisement revenue affiliates revenue all kinds of stuff that you can think of so take it seriously in India blogging this happening this is the right time to invest do it is my voice