Top High CPC Keywords For AdSense in 2020

In this video I'll show you what keywords and niches can get you the most revenue from AdSense on your blog or YouTube videos in 2020 let's go hey guys if you're here for the first time my name is Jitin Kamboj and I'm a blogger from India I've been working on blogger for the last 3 years but I got bored and quit my job today Is hare everything that I've learned on my blog

 and on this channel if you find this video useful don't forget to like share and subscribe to my channel but don't do it now watch the entire video and decide later so you know that AdSense is Google's own program that lets you place ads on your website or blog and YouTube videos and that's what generates this revenue for content creators now the trick to generate more revenue with less impressions or views is to target those niches or topics that has more revenue per click on AdSense so with that in mind let me share with you some of the most sought-after profitable and high-value keywords and niches on AdSense so that you can use them to create a YouTube channel or blog so number one is insurance related topics generate up to dollar 15a click there are a lot of sub topics here like life insurance auto insurance and the like almost all of them are high-paying keywords the problem here is that you need to have some sort of authority in this area to create content that Google and YouTube likes of course not everyone can create content authoritative lis about insurance right but it's good to know maybe you can use it in one of your blog's next up is online education there has been a meteoric rise in the number of companies investing in online education apps and websites people are finding a lot of value in taking these courses as well in effect this industry has a lot of activity in it and naturally the keywords are high paying it generates up to $12 per click on average in this niche next up is marketing and ad The isen just think of all the startups and tools that are available in this niche and you will know why there's so much competition here social media websites marketing all these are highly competitive areas and there's so much bidding going on as a result the average cost of marketing and advertising related keywords have gone up it generates up to $7 per click if you are someone who creates content on YouTube or blogs related to marketing and advertising you're in luck number four is legal I have to admit it's not easy being in this niche not everyone can create content around legal topics but if you're someone who's in this niche you are in luck the cost per click for a keyword is it an average of $6 per click in this niche attorneys and advocates hope you're listening perhaps you should start YouTubing or start a blog right now so the last one is Internet and telecom one of the most competitive industry the average price of a click can go up to $5 per click in this industry no wonder all those mobile phone reviewers and bloggers are making so much money on YouTube.
            Now you might be wondering how I got this data right I know I know so there's this tool called semrush which is an amazing tool for SEO and marketing although it's primarily used for doing SEO it has some amazing keywords data that you can get access to and you can apply some filters and get this data and even more than what I just said easily if you put little effort you'll be able to find out which keywords get or make the most money on YouTube beyond this you can actually see which keywords get the maximum revenue which keywords get the most clicks and which keywords get searched the most on Google and YouTube I'm not going to tell it in this video test on the - the link is in the description and find it out for yourself it's an amazing tool I use it for a lot of my projects it's called semrush you'll be able to get a free trial if you click on the link in the description and sign up so there you have it guys five amazing niches that pay you the most in YouTube and Google if you're a blogger or a YouTuber or plan to start a YouTube channel check out the tool I just mentioned click on the link sign and find out which are the keywords that pay you the most and make the most of money and perhaps you can create a channel around that if you have an expertise on it I hope you found the video useful if you did do let me know in comments this is Money Celtic signing off you