TikTok Banned In India - breaking news

TikTok Banned In India, Is TikTok Banned in india,

Imae source = Youtube

Why Indians want to ban TikTok

again Tiktok app going or banned in india .before one year It was temporarily banned by the Madras High Court for degrading Indian culture, encouraging pornography, showing explicitly disturbing content.

you know as carry minati a big Youtuber in india . He make a Youtube video 
YouTube vs Tiktok, & his video was going viral day by day,
ater 1 day his video becomes a most popular video on tiktok & also most liked video in india 
but youube delete carry minati's video. but this is not a isuue for banned tiktok in india 

Why TikTok banned in india again

Tiktok is going banned in india, because
TikTok is India's fastest-growing app but its problems are also growing fast. the app is being downrated by users in india, 

Tiktok banned news in hindi 

TikTok Banned In India, news is not true, but tiktok app being downrated by indian users, so this app TikTOK can be banned in india. 

i hope you guys will shere this informatio, About TikTok banned in india